This page provides additional examples for the P.STAR method. Please click on a word on the left to see P.STAR applied to all layers of a BERT embedding.
You can click on the thumbnails to enlarge.
Word Listaccountact action address age air answer area arm article assumption atmosphere authority bank base book capacity capital case cause cell change church claim close concern connection contribution design division duty end expense factor faith fall fear field figure floor force form front future girl ground growth hand hope house human idea impact individual instrument interest issue job life lot majority man matter mile model money name nature need note number object office open order paper party past performance place point policy position practice present press production property provision public question report requirement respect response result return right room school second section security service set show side source stage standard state status stock study support test time title use value vehicle vote week whole work |
Parameter-free Structure Analysis via Reordering
This page provides additional examples for the P.STAR method. Please click on a word on the left to see P.STAR applied to all layers of a BERT embedding. You can click on the thumbnails to enlarge.